Are the Leaders are Born or Made?
The debate of whether leaders are born or made has been coming from the past. Many people have debate on this topic in such different ways. According to Gentry and, (2012), research done among the top of organizations, for example, CEOs, CFOs, or Presidents on whether leaders are made or born, 19.1% argued that leaders are born, 52.4% agued as leaders are made and 28.5% argued they are equally born and made as shown in below figure. Figure 1 - Debate on whether leaders are made or born (Gentry and, 2012) According to Giulio (2013), myth of “leaders are born” is the most dangerous. It says that there is a genetic factor to leadership. Leaders are made rather than born. According to Spencer (1896), society in which the leader has grown up in, prepares him to be a leader, and only then he can take all ...